CATT & Clinics working together

Five babies delivered in one day

Congratulations to our UCE (Uganda Certificate of Education) candidates who have all passed their exams.
One passed at Division 1 - the highest level, four at Division 2 and one at Division 3.
Ugandan Statistics for UCE
In 2022, 345,695 candidates (173,761 males and 171,934 females) appeared for the examination compared to 330,592 candidates who appeared for the examination in 2020. This is an increase of 15,103 (4.6%) candidates.
The gap, in favour of males finishing education to UCE level, appears to be resurfacing.
Female candidates performed better than males in English Language. In Chemistry, the male candidates show better performance in the higher grades but, overall, a higher percentage of females obtained at least a pass.
This trend in the disparity in the performance of male and female candidates has been observed over the years.
CRESS Sponsorship
CRESS is pleased to support a good gender balance in its education sponsorship. Currently, 32 out of 67 of our sponsored students are female.