Christian Support
The Need
Working in the rural refugee settlements in Northern Uganda where most live below the $2 a day mark, there is little support for anything from NGOs, and the need for spiritual support is ongoing.
On visiting Rhino Camp in spring 2024 Caroline and the CRESS Africa team were told by the local pastors that no NGOs had worked in their area since lockdown 2020. Caroline saw two precious bibles which were in tatters with constant use.
Our Solution
Child Evangelism Fellowship
In Spring 2024, we partnered with CRESS Africa to reach out to children living in Rhino Camp and share with them the Gospel of Christ. Their first task has been to train new children’s workers and teachers, and equip them with the necessary skills and tools to teach the children.
They worked with Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) South Sudan to conduct a week-long course, ‘Super Seminar Training’. In April 2024, 15 students successfully completed their training, and have begun outreach in Rhino Camp.
Loud Hailers
We continue to maintain the Loud Hailer systems set up in Imvepi and Mijale areas and are pleased that they are now so embedded in their communities. The Loud Hailers were provided during lockdown and each is run by it's own local committee. The system provides, news, church services, health updates and more to communities with no technology to access other news sources.
Achievements 2023
In December 2021, Bishop Joseph Aba of the Diocese of Liwolo commissioned 16 women into Mothers’ Union membership, licensed 31 Mothers’ Union Lay Readers and confirmed 930 Christians in Imvepi Refugee Camp.
This is thanks to the continued work of the pastors and DOL team within their communities.
Joel, Literature and Discipleship Officer for the DOL reported:
The Jesus Film has been one of the most effective evangelism tools that helps to raise up leaders so that the gospel of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will be heard by many boys and girls, women and men, old and elderly and the kingdom of God will continue to grow in the all Nation. In these two days, we encountered tremendous achievements.
Songa with his reading glasses glasses and bible:
- Before I received the glasses, my eyes would tear when I read for long but now, I don’t experience it.
- Reading in an open place under the sunshine affected my eyes in a way that letters seem mixed up and the words appear black. But now I don’t get disturbed under the sun while using the glasses.
- During prayer service in the church, the lighting is so low that I cannot read the bible without glasses but now that is possible with the blessing of the
glasses given to me.
Thank you so much.