Education Sponsorship for South Sudanese refugees

CRESS aims to provide education to young South Sudanese people in the Dioceses of Liwolo and Kajo Keji to enable them to acquire the diverse skills required by their community.

Our Education Sponsorship Programme sponsors selected children throughout their schooling, from primary school all the way through to university or vocational training, as appropriate. CRESS funds the children’s education and provides them with the required equipment, such as a laptop to complete their studies.

Education Stories

  • Murye Godfrey receiving a laptop from Bishop-Joseph
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Get Involved

CRESS started its work in South Sudan with the sponsorship of Leaders’ children in 2010 so these Leaders could then focus on their work. Without school fees being paid the Leaders cannot stay in their unpaid roles.

Your Sponsorship

This goes towards the school fees for the child you are sponsoring as well as some money for books and uniform. For those who study away from home it also covers some money for residential expenses. Secondary level education is vital as primary level alone is insufficient for the workplace. Secondary level costs are higher than primary level costs and should be taken into account by sponsors.

Communication with your sponsor child

There is no post in Uganda, so it is only possible to send a letter if someone is going out. This will definitely be once a year and sponsors will always be given notice in advance.

You will be sent a letter and school report once a year as well as an invitation to a presentation on the visit by those who have been out to Uganda.

One of our sponsors said:
Thank you so much for the brilliant newsletter that recently arrived in the post. It was so encouraging to read about the student conference and lovely to receive the photos and letters from [our sponored child] and her father.” March 2022

Education Sponsorship

Sponsoring a refugee child in Uganda is an ongoing commitment, so we would like you to contact us directly to talk through the process.