Success Stories
Thanks to Explorers
In August, Community Process Facilitators (CPFs) from Rhino Camp, Mijale and Imvepi undertook a week of training as part of the Livelihood Project. The project aims to contribute to sustainable income generation, poverty reduction and socioeconomic transformation for the vulnerable refugees in refugee settlements in Northern Uganda. Its purpose serves to increase the access of the vulnerable refugees to financial services and gainful employment opportunities.
This training focuses on climate resilient agricultural approaches, especially important for rural communities in areas that are disproportionately affected by climate change.
Climate resilience in agriculture is the ability of communities and farmers to adapt to climate change while maintaining or improving productivity. This involves diversifying crops and livestock, for example using drought-, heat-, salt-, insect-, or pest- resistant seeds and plants; improving soil health, and using local knowledge.
The training not only provided new information but also built on the existing skills/indigenous knowledge of the participants.
The CPFs were also given training in how to train members of their savings and agriculture groups in these practices.
Our CPFs learned about bioswales. Bioswales are open channels between nursery beds that collects and removes water runoff, and filters pollution and debris. This will be important for group members as the rainy season becomes more and more extreme.
They also learned about soil management for conservation and water management. Healthy soil can help farmers withstand droughts and reduce the risk of water logging and erosion.
Now that our CPFs have this knowledge, they can share it with the savings and agriculture groups they lead. This training will help many communities continue to maintain sustainable farming practices, enabling them to continue to support themselves and their families into the future.