Student Leavers 2024

Education Sponsorship Graduates
At CRESS we are very proud of our Children’s Accelerated Trauma Therapy (CATT) programme. Our dedicated counsellors work tirelessly to support children who have experienced things no child should never have to go through.
In August, CATT counsellors led Community Emotional Health Outreach Programmes on PTSD among several communities in the area. Recently, the counsellors have mostly been working with orphans due to increased incidence of suicide. They also provided children with material support like note pads, pens, pencils to ensure they can go to school, and bars of soap, second-hand clothes etc, for their welfare.
Counsellors also offer one-on-one therapy for those who are in greatest need.

CATT is hugely impactful for the children it supports. The program helps to restore lost hopes amongst the orphans and will continue to be the light and salt of these traumatised children. CATT is a very powerful tool used to support children and young people as they overcome trauma and negative experiences. CATT also provides children and young people with safe spaces, with adults who are equipped to meet their emotional and psychological needs.
For more information or for ways to support CATT, please don't hesitate to contact us!