Part 3: History of CRESS Clinic

Part 5: History of CRESS Clinic
Building the New CRESS Clinic in South Sudan
The next dream for the community was a purpose-built clinic in Liwolo. In 2014, the Chalke Valley Lent fundraising initiative raised £20,000, matched by the local community in kind with self-made bricks, timbers, and labour.
The 9-roomed clinic was completed and opened in September 2014. It was a huge step up as there was a staff of 8 with a solar panel which enabled them to work for longer days. The team consisted of a qualified nurse, lab technician, a midwife, and a dispensing physician. There was also a fridge which had been shipped out from Wales. This made a huge difference as bloods could be stored. Nurse Lulu Emmanuel ran the clinic efficiently, enabling the staff team to see on average 55 people every day, and treat illnesses such as malaria, typhoid and pneumonia. Though a huge improvement, the clinic still struggled to support all of the patients who needed their aid.

In 2015, Caroline visited this clinic for the opening ceremony. The event was attended by hundreds of people, with many speeches, and much singing and dancing. Bulls were killed and a large meal enjoyed by hundreds. Only heavy rain dampened the atmosphere, but this too was seen as a blessing from God!