Education Sponsorship Graduates

Autumn Newsletter 2024
Morjita Mixed Group was established in Mijale in 2019. Comprised of 31 members (27 women and 4 men) the group has recently completed its fifth cycle (year) of growing their businesses and their savings. This year, the total annual payout was 10,683,000 UGX (over £2,500, almost £85 each)!
When Grace Adede joined Morjita group, her primary work was farming for family food provision for her family of 7. She had never had any kind of business nor been involved in a savings programme.
In 4 years, Grace built up businesses and saved enough to send her children to school, pay for medical treatments, rear 6 goats, and even build her own house. After the 5th savings cycle, she finished adding all the windows and doors, and plastered her home.
From growing beans to building property, Adede Grace is a testament to the impact of empowerment towards self-sufficiency.

Duro Betty is 28 years old and she has a business selling various products. She borrowed £30 for starting her business.She makes £12.50 per month in profit and with this she is able to support her family by paying the school fees of her children and feeding them all.

Some Morjita members have embarked on a joint venture, managing a small store alongside a computer centre. They started with a loan of 2,500,000 UGX (around £520), they now make between £12-£20 of profit per day.

Beatrice Gubaji is a member of Morjita Group and became a CRESS Community Based Facilitator (CBF) in 2022. She takes all that she has learned as a Savings Group member and goes into other communities training, overseeing, and advising new savings and agriculture groups.
She has a plot of land where she grows produce to sell and she keeps goats. Alongside her husband, she has built a permanent home for their family and sends all 3 of her children to school.