CBF News
Success stories from Imvepi and Mijale camps
Juan Magret is 50 years old, from Pamungu group. She supports a family of 6. She give thanks to God and CRESS UK, before she couldn’t save money but now she is able to save money for herself. She has saved enough that she can buy a goat. She has also built this single roomed house for herself and family
Mulukat Openi is 39 years old with a family of 4.
Before, he did not know on how to grow fruits. Through joining Village Savings and Loan Association (VSLA) and Paji-Kido A group he has learned about agriculture. He has learned to grow many different types of food, helping him to provide more daily meals for his family.
Selina Poni is 39 years old of Paji-Kido C group, supporting a family of 8.
She joined our VSLA and agriculture training groups to learn about financial and agricultural sustainability.
Here she is next to one of her pawpaw trees.
Mary Kuyunge is in Momorundita agriculture group. She married with 4 children.
She thanks CRESS Community Based Facilitators (CBFs) for their input to her life. In few years to come she will enjoy eating mango.
Jambi Senlina is from Pamungu group. She give thanks to God and she also thanks CRESS UK for the micro finance and agriculture projects, as now she is able to buy a goat after the share out for the first cycle.