Olivia visits Eye Clinic

New field midwife!
Olivia has now returned from her trip to Mijale with many stories and insights from the work she has seen on her journey.
To hear Olivia talk about her trip we would love to invite you to our AGM, 7th July 7pm in Broadchalke Village Hall. RSVP to naomi.booth@cressuk.org
Here are the photos from the Mijale area which she visited at the end of last week.
- Olivia met Gale Scopas, the CATT coordinator
- Olivia, Samuel, Yunia and the Clinic gardener in the clinic garden
- Openi Mulukat, member of Paji Kido group, build his house using saving’s money.
- Openi Mulukat’s Key hole garden, member of Paji Kido group
- Olivia visited Openi Mulukat’s tomato veg garden, member of Paji kido group, Mijale
- Celina Modong with her papaya plant distributed by DOL
- Gubaji Beatrice in her protected fruit tree garden, distributed by DOL
- Loburi Morris, Paji Kido group in his tomato garden
- Olivia met Loku Morris, on his wheel chair and member of Liu Salvation agric/savings group
- Olivia met members of Liu Salvation agric/savings group in Mijale
- Photograph of Jesilen Yongale, member of Joyful agric/savings group taken near her pig’s project
- Jesilen Yongale’s Papaya plant, distributed by DOL with support from Cressuk
- Photograph of Samuel Doa’s wife with her Papaya plant
- Abe Samuel, CBF, built his house using savings money
- Olivia met a team of medical doctors doing eye screening in Mijale supported by Cressuk