Back in the Chalke Valley

Liwolo Clinic continues to make a difference
Last night I was delighted to read about the women’s agriculture groups meeting the CRESS team as they arrived at the Bishop’s house! Having been to Kajo Keji many times I know that this special greeting is a sign of how much the women appreciate what CRESS has done for them.
Against the odds
To see them there with their produce which they have grown against the odds of climate change, very little money, no infrastructure, no CRESS vehicles and being the first groups to start the programme was hugely encouraging. I thought about this on and off all last night after reading the blog. This is the direction CRESS wishes to go forward in – with these groups teaching this simple organic farming system alongside life lessons; and the groups saving money each week for their group business venture.
Thank you
Once again we have my son in law Edward Upton to thank for his part in finding money from the Joseph Reckitt Foundation. This money enabled eight people to be trained in Uganda as leaders and last year for an assessor to come to Kajo Keji to encourage them. Congratulations to Joseph Aba and Golda Poni for overseeing these groups and for Edward for sourcing the funds. and of course well done the women for their hard work and learning so much. We look forward to seeing this programme grow and develop.
Caroline Lamb
Founder and CEO