Catching up with Fred Taban’s family

CRESS August Trip Roundup
Adrian Burholt asked Cilla to write her first impressions of South Sudan as a penultimate blog which she has done in the form of a poem.
Land of the Cushites – ancient people
Your heritage stretches from the dawn of time
Warm and welcoming, yet poor and fearful
You eke out a living
From a sun-scorched land
Fragile existence from drought and poverty
Hunger and illness stalk your days
Yet drawing strength from close knit family
You dare to dream and reach for better things
Small seeds of life and hope once planted
Take root and flourish in hearts and minds
Mirrored in the varied plants and vegetables
Nurtured with such love and care
By eager hands
And so we partner with your people
Precious souls for whom Christ died
Stretching out hands across the continents
Sharing your burden, walking your way
In Jesus name
And joy like raindrops sparkles
On faces and in eyes that once were dull
There is celebration, jubilation, dancing, singing
A harvest is gathered, hunger no more
Praise the Lord!
Cilla Robertson. First impressions of South Sudan – August 2016