January 2018 Prayer Itinerary

The team have arrived safely
What a wonderful start, with blessing after blessing
A smooth run through the traffic and delightful ladies at the check-in who waved our extra baggage fee because of the work we are going to do. They said it was their contribution!
Fiona Sheldon
No hold ups in security! Then… we find we have been invited to the Emirates No.1 lounge with free delicious food and drink and comfy sofas until we board. Quite spoilt…and ready for the trip! Love Fiona
Caroline Lamb
So good to yet again have two travelling companions that have been before, just as I did in September and they are excited. We have so much kit BUT so far so good. Thank you for your prayers so far that got our luggage into the hold and to Steve Sheldon who did a great job getting us to the airport and then waiting as we negotiated check-in. Love Caroline
Becky Sedgwick
So exciting to be on a trip with CRESS again! God seems to delight in showering unnecessary blessings on his children which here translates to an unexpected invitation to the No 1 Lounge, with delicious and unlimited food and excellent coffee. Anyone who knows me will realise how happy that makes me! Waiting to board now for the overnight flight to Dubai. Love Becky