Preparing for her first visit to the South Sudan!

Improving education in South Sudan
We are in the process of packing our bags for South Sudan and feel overwhelmed by the generosity and kindness of so many people who have contributed items for us to take with us. Small boxes and carrier bags have appeared on our doorstep over the last couple of months with all sorts of gifts for the people of Kajo Keji. We want to thank everyone who has so kindly gone out to buy, or searched their homes and found, a wonderful selection of the items we have requested. It is very touching and it is a privilege to be able to take them and distribute them to people who will appreciate them so much.
Thank you to everyone for your generosity – for, among other things, the handbags, bracelets and tee shirts for the ladies, the men’s shirts and the suitcases, the bubbles, balloons, crayons and toothbrushes for the children – and be assured they will all reach a welcome destination. We will enjoy greeting people from Kajo Kejo and Liwolo on the behalf of our villages here.
It promises to be a fascinating fortnight and I am quite sure we will benefit every bit as much as the people we are visiting, if not more.
I was reminded the other evening by St Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians that God Loves a Cheerful Giver (2Corinthians 9 v 7) and that our generosity will result in thanksgiving to God (v11). Fred Taban said the same thing when he spoke to us in broad Chalke earlier this year – he said when we give, they thank God. What a privilege indeed!