Caroline Lamb meets Bishop Anthony

Update from Caroline Lamb, our CEO & Founder of Cress
The morning of the 12th June was spent organising money to be sent out to Uganda. Joseph is travelling to Uganda overnight on Sunday, he travels on a very rickety bus that travels very fast through the night. We hope he has gone through Moyo as this is safer because it is a shorter journey, but the challenge is they all have to pay Uganda visa charges of £30 each time they travel into the country – this is more than half Joseph’s weekly wage. Cress sends money for travel and accommodation money.
The bus, as mentioned, goes incredibly fast and arrives in Kampala around 4-5am and because there is nowhere to go at that time of the morning the people stay on the bus dozing. Joseph says it is exhausting but just part of the work. While in Kampala Joseph will do carry out various Cress matters.