First baby delivered in the Liwolo clinic
Godolphin School raise an amazing £1,200
Today was Revive our service in Broad Chalke School – Don Morgan asked me to do the prayers on South Sudan and CRESS – however I decided that because the situation is so serious in the country we would focus on the impending civil war. I had been alerted by a headline the recent Christian Aid magazine which said:
8million at risk in “forgotten” South Sudan Crisis
So I asked Fred Taban for some suggested material and he pointed me to this RED CROSS Youtube film of a food drop.
I had read that The United Nations has declared South Sudan a level THREE emergency – the highest level of humanitarian crisis. The country ranks third in the European Commission’s Global Vulnerability and Crisis Assessment index (after the Central African Republic). South Sudan was the world’s most fragile State in 2014 and 2015 according to the annual Fragile States index.
There is still peace in Kajo Keji and Central Equatoria state but how long for no one knows!