Clinic opening makes KK county radio
A sad departure & a journey enjoyed ….
Wednesday 23rd September – Latest news from Caroline in Kajo Kaji
Woke today at 4.00pm raining – fell asleep woke at 6.15am raining still and so the rains have started; in fact it was so cool Joseph wore a jumper all day!!! Lovely for me as UK temperature.
I had an easy morning as the Cress team i.e. Joseph and Golda had meetings to attend so I did half an hour of exercise then met with Francis Candiga who had been running a Sunday School Conference in the famous Liwolo for three days. He works closely with Becky Sedgwick who had been unable to join the Cress team this year but she had sent over teaching materials and masses of games kit. Francis had done a great job and had an excellent report – photos to follow; his college fees have been sponsored by Anne Johns and Jenny Head so we did a short video clip for them and Becky.
A late lunch with the Bishop followed by an hour with Golda talking through all the students that Cress educates (the ones at Comboni and Ebenezer) and find some are failing and we need to look into this.
It is great having Golda as she is going to meet each student and sort either some extra support or an assessment to see about them moving to a vocational college, we will investigate the one in Yei and Joseph can fly there with MAF later in the year.
More internet time with Golda – then suddenly it is 6.15pm and time to take a quick walk before it is dark at 7.00pm, with us being so close to the equator we get exactly 12-hours of darkness.
Then it was good bye to Fred Taban who leaves at 6.00am tomorrow and I could say “see you in London” as we are both meant to be at a Send A Cow evening next Thursday!