Kitchen for the DOL Office

COVID update – education and clinic
The CRESS funded clinic in Mijale was thrilled to finally receive their longed-for scanner earlier this year. We are delighted to hear news of how it has been helping patients in their part of Northern Uganda.
Jojo Seme wrote:
The clinic is among the few health facilities in Yumbe district that provides quality medical services to both the Ugandan and South Sudanese nationals who left their country due to insecurity and political instabilities.
It is located at the extreme border ends of Uganda approximately 5 km from south Sudan and 40 km(about an hour drive) to Yumbe town where most of the refugees in the camps are treated from due to the long distance to the CRESS UK funded clinic.
Below are photos and feedback of the patients who benefited from the ultrasound scan services at the clinic.
with much thanks,
Jojo Seme John

Pita Annet during her scan
Ms. Pita Annet a 24years old pregnant mother, resident of Matu village narrated this story on arrival in the clinic for scanning:
‘’I have been attending my antenatal care classes from Kerwa Government Health centre III after losing two of my babies under unclear circumstances (one as miscarriage at 4months and the second one after carrying in my womb for nine(9) solid months just died like that at birth due to severe birth Asphyxia). This is my third pregnancy with NO child yet – and I kept asking myself ‘’Why me God??’’. Well, I did not lose hope. I kept trusting in God until I successfully finished all my fifth antenatal visits in the health centre and according to the midwives, my expected date of delivery was supposed to be on the 4th/06/2020 but I have now surpassed the date by more than three (3) weeks without giving birth to my unborn baby.
This has created suspicion in me and my dear lovely husband. So we were forced to come for another antenatal visit (6th visit) to find out exactly what is going on with me and my unborn baby. Then the midwife in-charge immediately recommended for abdominal scanning to be done for me. This has made us more confused and stranded because we were thinking of where to get the money to cater for our transport (over 30,000/= each to and fro), scanning (over 15,000/=), feeding (10,000/= each) etc and how about the long distance to Yumbe town (over 40km) coupled with the high risk of contracting Covid-19.
We became powerless and had to sit under a mango shade nearby the roadside thinking hard of what to do and then a certain Ugandan businessman who was on his way cycling to Mijale trading centre had to stop over and branch to us to inquire what was going wrong with us. I immediately told him ‘’I was referred for abdominal scanning but we had no money and besides the distance is too long and we also fear contracting this novel Covid-19. Before I could complete my statement, he immediately told us ‘’Why do you have to worry yourselves with scanning this day? Are you not aware of the scanning at Jehovah Rapha Clinic in Mijale trading centre every Tuesdays?’’ I told him ‘’I was once admitted in that GREAT clinic in May 2018 and up to now I did not fall sick but during that time, there was no scanner’’ and he quickly responded ‘’The clinic has now been relocated to a new site (Mijale – Liwolo highway) with a new brand scanner and other rare medical equipment that he cannot describe – adding that he was the first person to be scanned when the scanner was first brought in the clinic and everything was just amazing. Lucky enough it was Tuesday and he happily offered us a lift to the clinic.
On arrival in the clinic at around 3:48pm (in less than 15minutes), I indeed confirmed the new site and everything was looking new with a very beautiful building. We went to the receptionist and explained our situation and then, I was quickly let into the scanning room after paying just 15,000/= though we got the scanning line was too long – we took the scanner report to the health centre. The scanning report was normal – meaning everything is normal with my unborn baby. This has given us hope and confidence including the midwives who referred us for the scanning. So, I am now happily waiting for the date of my delivery with peace of mind
I am SO thankful to whosoever has contributed to the presence of this! Wonderful Clinic scanner as it is the only scanner we have in the whole of Kerwa sub-county – meaning saving Transport, feeding money and scanning at much reduced cost since there are no more burdens for travelling to Yumbe for scanning. It will be my daily prayer that one day the scanning services will be on daily basis to avoid Tuesday congestions’’
Honestly, we have countless words of appreciations from the communities regarding the presence of this! Clinic medical equipment & services.

Pita Mary in her consultation
Pita Mary a south Sundanese national from Masindi district has been locked down in Osubira village 7 km away from the clinic due to the current COVID 19 pandemic. She was confirmed with liver cirrhosis and had this to say!!
Thank you, doctor, for your recommendation and explanation to the cause of my stomach (abdomen) enlargement. I had lost hope on recovery due to the long-distance and high costs of transport to Yumbe town. I thank God for Rev. Canon Charles Kenyi who came to pray for me at my home and brought me to the clinic later on. All this time I have been taking medicine for spleen enlargement with no help, then resorted to using local herbs and taking Panadol (paracetamol) tablets 4 8 hourly with no improvement.
The good news was that, Pita Marry the promised follow doctor’s prescription and never to take alcohol, smoke or do self medications in order to speed up her from the disease (liver cirrhosis).
Kade Evaline a south Sudanese mother at 37 weeks of gestation came to the clinic for the first time for her 4th antenatal care visit and had this to say after an abdominal ultrasound scan revealing her with twins!

After her scan
I’m not only happy but so thankful to God for Jehovah Rapha Clinic (cress.UK funded clinic); it is a blessing to have such facility in these remote areas. I had no idea about my twins despite attending antenatal care services from the other health facilities, a big thank you to the midwife at this clinic who recommended me to be scanned. This will prevent me further from getting complications during the time of delivery. I’m so excited and grateful to the diocese of Liwolo and all those who contributed to extending these scarce services in the to help the poor people.
Message from Jojo Seme John the deputy in charge of the clinic;
My heartfelt thanks to cress.UK team and our beloved donors for facilitating scanning services in this deprived community. As a clinician, this has eased my work and helped me to confirm impressions/differential diagnosis thus providing patients precise and accurate information with much satisfaction. It has also enabled early diagnosis and reduction in referral cases except for patients who are severely anaemic and those who require surgical intervention. The commonly confirmed cases include; ovarian cystic mass, pyelonephritis, endometritis, liver cirrhosis, BPH, hernias and pregnancy-related cases such as early gestation, complete abortion and fetal positions/presentations. This has all been possible because of your efforts in ensuring quality medical services to the underprivileged community.
Thank you for reading and may God bless and protect you ALL.