Fruit Tree Survey Results

Lent Project – What’s On
The VSLA/Agriculture conferences held in Imvepi and Mijale were attended by different stake holders and other community leaders. Among them were government representatives e.g., local chiefs, LCs, police, army and staff from other humanitarian CBOs and NGOs operating especially in the refugee camp.
The events were colourful and marked with great joy by all the attendees. The program was characterised by presentation of testimonies from few selected groups and individuals, followed by speeches from other invited guests to give words of encouragement to the group members. There were also songs of joy/happiness presented by group members to CRESSUK and Diocese of Liwolo for the wonderful support given to them through the projects.
The combined total attendance a was 1,840. Some members were not able to attend due to other personal commitments.

Project Aims
- Ensure proper feeding and reduce malnutrition among children.
- Provide simple savings and loan facilities to members.
- Provide self-insurance to group members.
- Promote the spirit of self-reliance and reduce dependency syndrome
- Promote peaceful co-existence among communities of different cultural backgrounds.
Savings Group Impacts:
- The projects have turned many of the group members to become business men/women, engaged in different kinds of businesses e.g., operating small hotels, selling pan cakes, selling different goods and agricultural produce.
- Many of the members were able to transform their houses from grass thatched to semi/permanent houses. Others bought land for agriculture, bought animals e.g., cows, goats, pigs and chicken.
- Members are able to pay their children in school through the savings/loans schemes they would borrow from the groups.
- The projects have reduced family disputes especially where men were seen as the only source of family income in the societies. The empowerment of women through the VSLA/Agriculture schemes made them to realise their full potentials and capabilities to contribute to family income and decision making on household property etc.
- There is full participation of women in the groups in terms of sharing the word of God and praying for one another. This was not the case before, they got encouraged as they work together, share problems and pray for one another in groups. It motivated every member to participate in sharing scriptural messages of encouragement and building hope/resilience among themselves.
Stories from the groups

Emmanuel saving group
- Our group bought 150 pieces of plastic chairs for hire to provide more income to the group. These chairs are always hired by the community during events and other community functions.
- The group has also acquired a grinder to help the community in grinding paste. The machine will help women in the villages in grinding their sesame and ground nuts. These two projects will generate more income to the group to plan for other sustaining projects

Kenyi Alex– Tinate mixed group
- Operating my own business of selling fish because of the savings and loan schemes from the group.
- Built a semi-permanent house.
- Paid for my senior 4 certificate.
- Borrowed loan from the group to pay for my course in Business Administration.

Regina Ita – Emmanuel saving group
- Bought utensils for hire – 200 cups and 200 plates to generate extra income for my family.
- Borrowed money for preparing 1 feddan of land for agriculture