New Event: Thanks Bishop Joseph

Thanks from Bishop Joseph
This week, RUMPS training has taken place in Yikuru Secondary School in Imvepi Refugee Settlement.
115 women and girls were trained for 4 days by Easter and Edward Mika and the team.
The team and these girls hope more RUMPs training will be funded so that
- more secondary school girls are equipped with the RUMPs knowledge and skills and are able to make RUMPs for themselves
- RUMPs will reduce instances of disease and their health is improved
- training will enable the girls to become economically strong
- there will be a reduction in girls dropping out of school after falling behind when taking days off when they can't control their bleeding

Thanks from students
I am 20 years old. I want to thank CRESS-UK and DOL so much for bringing this training to us. This is the first training in my lifetime that has changed me, enables me to make my own RUMPs I am now feeling free to associate with any person in the community without getting worried during menstrual periods.
I am 19 years old. I appreciate all of you for this training. This training has really changed my life. It has given me knowledge and skills of making RUMPs which will prevent expenses on disposable pads. It has made me creative and innovative which will make me earn money for supporting my education and keep me in school.