Exchange trip a huge success

Tasty burgers raise £1,400 for CRESS
On 12th November at Broad Chalke Village Hall myself, Jeremy and Maggie Metcalfe and Rachel Gordon had a wonderful opportunity to talk about our trip to South Sudan in September.
This is for me the best place to report back on a trip as the Chalke Valley is the birth place of CRESS. I have personally had the pleasure of reporting back now for 5 years and many of our supporters have been with us since the beginning and continue their association year on year.
I have a faithful team of helpers – Ron the Caretaker for the hall who sets out the chairs. He always puts out as many chairs as he can fit into the hall – last year I had a crisis of confidence and put half away only to get them out again. So this year I left them which was the right thing to do as the hall was full with some 80 people!
We all enjoyed a glass of wine and some eats. Di Jeans helped with the food as she joined us in South Sudan last year and hopes to come again. Nigel who spends his mornings searching for possible trusts to support CRESS work (and is still looking!) served the wine!
With the hall full and an air of expectation we gave our presentation. Maggie Metcalfe opened proceedings using the Powerpoint she and Jeremy have put together. Maggie coverd our journey, clinic opening and its use. Then Rachel Gordon spoke on the family day, I took up the story from Rachel talking about the second week when I spent time with the people of the area and met the clinic staff properly. I also talked about some of the challenges and our vision for the future. The talked lasted just over an hour and everyone seemed to have loved the evening.
Although the evening is a thank you evening many continue to give and over £700 was donated. A HUGE thank you to the Chalke Valley.
Caroline Lamb, Founder & CEO
CRESS can only operate with your support. Please consider making a donation!