Preparing for the conference
Packing has begun!
Sadly we heard yesterday that Becky cannot now come with us in September as she has to stay at home to look after her father who is having a major operation. Thanks to her wonderful fundraising efforts already and that of St James’s and the local primary school we are not affect too much financially by this. I will have to change the MAF flights.
We are taking lots of footballs, football team clothes, bubbles, and all sorts of different sized balls that Becky has sourced!
Today we received the quotation for painting the clinic $1500 – so I say go ahead as we can use the money raised by Tom Clarke – it is to be white. I email them to say please can they make sure the “garden” all around the clinic is weeded and cleared and looks smart and can they also send me measurements of the windows so that Emily Millar can make some curtains. Think we will have to take out the curtain rails as well – but we are so short of space now!!