Trip Blog – Trip review from Caroline
How long to get to your local clinic?
The new clinic in Mijale has been up and running since the end of August and was officially opened by Caroline and Bishop Joseph Aba during the CRESS 10th Anniversary Trip last month.
They were really please to share with us the story of the first baby born there since the Uganda Health Authority announced they were delighted with the work at the clinic and said that women could give birth there.
Ms. Doru Cicilia is a 35yrs old peasant farmer from Mijale village was 32 and 2days into her 8th pregnancy with 6 live births and one miscarriage presented in the new Cress clinic at 3:05am with the history of a labour like pain which started at around 11:00am associated with lower abdominal pain and general body weakness.
She said:
“I used to visit Kerwa Government Health Center III for my antenatal care services but when yesterday I went for my last visit, I reported complaints of lower abdominal pain and severe back pain and then the midwife told me to travel to Yumbe town (appx 50km away) so that I could be scanned – but I didn’t have any money for referral expenses nor did my husband.
So I had to return home with no help and in pain. At around 2:00am, the pain became worse and unbearable, my neighbour Ms Jane whose child was once treated in the old CRESS Clinic suggested husband and relatives to take me to the new CRESS funded Clinic which had just being opened with maternity services. On arrival, we were welcomed by the gate man which relieved my pain a little and then Nurse/Midwife Bethy was called who responded within 15 minutes to save my live and that of my baby boy AJE. Without this clinic, I would have lost my baby, or both of us, as we could not fulfil the referral plans.
I am very delighted to deliver a live baby boy without being scanned”.
They also shared with us the story of Eunice, a 1yr 10 month old baby girl of Ms. Vila Nyongale and a granddaughter of our clinic accountant Mr. Morris. They live in the small village of Pacific.
She was rushed into the clinic at 03:05am EST escorted by seven very sad and worried looking women.
Eunice had a sudden episode of persistently high grade fever, total collapse, respiratory distress and refusal to feed. She was assessed briefly and because of the availability of 24/7 power for our Electronic Microscope, she was tested and diagnosed with Severe Malaria, Giardiasis and acute Diarrhoea. Treatment was initiated of I.V Artesunate, Oral tabs Tinidazole, Oral tabs Zinc Sulphate, Oral tab paracetamol and Oral ORS. She responded very fast on the prescribed medications. That left smiles, joy and hope for her relatives including our own clinic accountant.
The relatives appreciated the existence of the CRESS funded Clinic here in Mijale and thank the staff for their expertise and fast response in emergency cases.