September Trip – What can you do to support the team?

Melanie talks to RUMPS trainees

Melanie visiting the agriculture groups
Melanie has gone to visit the projects funded by CRESS in rural Northern Uagada. This is part of her Masters Degree in Conflict, Security and Development. She is especially looking into the ways NGOs support refugees with a disability.
As a qualified social worker with a passion for social justice, strong interpersonal skills and extensive experience of working with people of differing cultures, life experiences and abilities, Melanie brings enthusiasm, commitment and empathy, along with a wide range of skills and knowledge to those she works with and for.
The photos below show you the projects she has be finding out about CATT, Agriculture, RUMPS, Healthcare and visiting people CRESS has been supporting.
- At late Rev. Emmanuel Amule’s house
- RUMPS representative
- Melanie interviewing RUMPS representatives on the impact RUMPS training has had on their lives – their stories were very inspiring
- Melanie taking photo of a rare grasshopper
- Nakati plots
- Onion Plot
- Veg plot
- Tomato plots
- Relaxing at the beautiful clinic staff compound with a little child
- CATT – Excited little Apai Margret and her mother
- Apai’s mother cooking food using firewood
- Little Apai Margret selling pancakes by the roadside
- Melanie with Cicila Prosy
- Melanie with Cicila Prosy’s 3 children and 2 of the orphans who live with them
- Cicilia Prosy with her and her neighbour’s children