Health & Hygiene Training

The Story of Bethy the Midwife
Lulu Emmanuel was the Nurse at Jehovah Rapha the CRESS funded clinic in Mijale for 7 years and CATT (Children’s Accelerated Trauma Therapy) counsellor and coordinator. CRESS is now funding his education, so that he can become a clinical officer, at Gulu Institute of Health Sciences.
We are really pleased to hear that he has begun his first internship in the Gulu Regional Referral Hospital and are sure he will learn much through it.
He writes:

Greetings….. I am writing to hope that all is well with you at CRESS UK. Today is my first day of hospital internship at Gulu Regional Referral Hospital after our internal examination, my first ward allocation being the emergency department. This semester, we are only given three weeks to practice with three rotations – meaning a department per week and then followed by end of semester examination!!
I really appreciated my expertise at Jehovah Rapha clinic. Freshers find the work so difficult and quite challenging BUT I find it not difficult because of my 7years of working experience at the CRESS UK funded clinic in Liwolo and currently operating in Mijale (Northern Uganda). It means I am familiar with most of the diseases being managed on daily basis and more importantly, some of my colleague students continue to benefit from my expertise by asking various questions when our supervisors are extremely busy! My supervisors are beginning to like my work from day one!
Therefore, I am enjoying my clinical practice at Gulu Regional Referral Hospital though the classwork seems tricky. I am SO thankful to my dearest sponsors for the wonderful opportunity of sowing a real seed of life in me!! ALL the words of appreciation given by the communities that I am going to serve will be your harvest. Stay safe and blessed
With love,