Fred’s wife has had her cataract operation
It is the little things … we take for granted!
Broad Chalke Primary School Fund Raising : this was amazing with £571 raised from 2 classes – the aim was to buy games kit for children and a printer for a school. As this figure was so much larger than we expected I was able to give £200 to Fred – the rains have failed and in his refugee camp he does not have enough food to feed his family this is what he said :
Thanks for your timely support. You will never know how much grateful we are for all that you have and continue to do for us. The 200 has enabled us buy Maize flour and beans to feed the family for awhile. Fred
Becky has emailed to say that she has ordered for me from Consortium through their church St James:
1 large holdall(90 cm long), 12 footballs , 2 ball nets (take 12 balls each), 10 x 5.5m skipping ropes, 30 individual skipping ropes, 12 playballs (like the ones I got last year), 24 small rubber balls (tennis size), 4 pumps …. AND 24 additional needles for the pumps!!
This will give a huge number of children pleasure all from class 4 at Broad Chalke Primary School – one young boy Louis Raised £80!! Next term I am going to go into school and take all these items in to show them.
Class 6 also raised money and this was for a printer and ink so this will be purchased too. They raised their money by a cake sale and retiring collection after their performance of Matilda.
They have all done so well
And then St James Southbroom have raised £350 –this is going towards a laptop, case and printer and ink for their link school – the Primary school in Romoggi. This school is right by the Bishop’s house where we will be staying – so Becky is planning on spending a morning at the school. Another HUGE well done!