A long Sunday for Caroline

Last day before Caroline heads home
This comes from Uganda – I sit typing and Joseph and Fred sit with their Coca-Colas watching the big screen of some African Football game – they are very happy.
This morning when I woke up at Emmanuel’s house I thought more about the service yesterday and the hidden messages it was giving for people being terrorised by two leaders who are trying to divide the people into tribes and drive them out of the country. this was a bold statement of unity. All the Bishops come from different tribes, the sermon was encouraging people to stay if possible and to be united. They Ugandans who came spoke about their desire to see peace in South Sudan and to help where possible. It also gave the people some joy as they sang, cheered, danced and felt united as a body and one nation. It was a healthy community activity where there is no leisure at all in any shape or form and life is a relentless grind.
We left the Romoggi Diocesan Centre around 8.30pm but only after saying a few goodbyes and one photograph with myself, Joseph, Joel and Charles, the three I travelled with to Liwolo in September 2010 and was asked by a local leader if I could help with the medical situation.
I had no idea we would be where we are now – so who knows what the future holds.
We drove to Moyo – through the two border points with our paperwork dealt with very speedily and then it was a stop at the lovely peaceful Catholic complex for a coffee and Coca Cola. after a good chat onto the airstrip and into the MAF plane. Flown by a Dutch pilot and packed in tight with every seat taken. A beautiful flight to Kajjanski – so privileged to be able to do this! We said Goodbye to Bishop Anthony who was on the plane and also Bishop Paul of Lomega a lovely man.
We were met by Patrick’s son who took us to one of the beach cafes for a leisurely lunch – relax at Airport Guesthouse and then back here to Lake Victoria and at last internet!
Thank you for your interest and support and love.
Caroline Lamb
Founder and CEO