Caroline visits Liwolo one last time before home

British Airways flights to Entebbe to cease!
Monday 28th September – Last blog from Africa for 2015
Today started as it always does with dawn at around 6.45am and lovely bird and animal sounds. Another year has passed and what has impressed me this year is how some of the women have started to change, Joseph’s wife Yango – I have a film clip of her singing and dancing and reading her song book – just 5 years ago she could not read at all and also was very unhappy.
Cecilia Emmanuel’s wife had struggled with anxieties and depression and this year a new woman – the agriculture has transformed her. Israel’s wife Esther showed us her “garden” where she had grown a lot of new vegetables – then there is Florence who continues to run knitting training workshops.
I had thought the women would never manage to lift their heads and get above the daily grind but some are starting to. The 10 day visit to Send A Cow Peer Farmers in November will be very powerful I think.
I had 2 hours until 11.00am which was taken up with getting receipts and bills – then it was off to the airstrip in Moyo – but not before we had had a difficult time with the border guard in Uganda. Although Golda had got a 6 month visa from Juba he said it was the wrong type and did not want to let her through until he had delayed us by 20 minutes which was a bit nerve wracking as I did not want to miss my MAF flight. The best bit was Bishop Anthony had lent his jeep and driver for me to get to the plane – so that was cool and comfortable – I texted him to say I would behave like a Bishop!
Easy flight – straight back to Kajjanski but the rest of the passengers had been all round Uganda some had been on the plane nearly 5 hours by the time they picked me up! Patrick my taxi driver met me and took me to the money changer.
I had some South Sudanese pounds from 2 students who are desperate for laptops and had been saving money BUT their currency has been massively devalued and is now worth 1/7th of what it was so I do not have nearly enough dollars to get them laptops – yet another challenge.
Then it is the usual format – time at Lake Vic Hotel – pedicure (£5.50) – meal – relax in their upstairs lounge for 10.30pm pick up and 1.15am flight – ugh!
So another year done! I have loved every minute as did the whole team – we have had an amazing week as a team with a conference, family day, Sunday church services and meals, supper at Josephs, clinic opening and lots and lots of jokes as well as many answers to prayer.
Honestly could not want for a better mission type week. I was glad to stay on another week and spend time with them – a lot of good conversations and also work done. They say Cress is unique as we spend time with them and build strong relationships.
I look forward to seeing you when I am home.
Caroline Lamb