Planning for the next three days

It’s 7.30 am and here we are at Kajanssi airport, all luggage and people checked in and weighed (yes, they even weigh us). The sun has just risen over Lake Victoria and the kasava, sweet potatoes and greens are already being picked and transported on the back of bicycles.
On the way here we passed streams of children, some very young, going to school in immaculately clean uniforms, well dressed young women off to work walking alongside dusty pot holed dirt tracks, bicycles laden with everything you can imagine. Women washing babies, sweeping the dust and going about their day regardless of what vehicle or person sees them. And between this normal rural African life, we drove in Patrick’s jeep en route to an airfield. Mad.
A little under an hour later, the 5 of us are flying over them in a 12 seater Cessna 208 caravan.
Cilla is our co-pilot, sitting next to Rembrandt, extraordinarily the MAF pilot who flew us last year. He remembered Adrian! Before take off, Rembrandt prays for a safe flight, for our trip and for South Sudan. And we echo his Amen.
So we are really en route now and grateful for your thoughts, prayers and contributions in whatever form. Next posting from Romoggi, Kajo Keji.
Blog by Maggie Metcalfe