Livelihood Project Training

CRESS UK visit to Kampala
This spring, we have partnered with CRESS Africa to reach out to children living in Rhino Camp and share with them the Gospel of Christ. Their first task has been to train new children’s workers and teachers, and equip them with the necessary skills and tools to teach the children.
They worked with Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) South Sudan to conduct a week-long course, ‘Super Seminar Training’. In April 2024, 15 students have successfully completed this training, and have begun outreach in Rhino Camp.
Since then, 5 new Good News Clubs have been created reaching 168 children with more joining the clubs every week! 65 children gave their lives to Jesus Christ and committed to serve the Lord - we thank God for the amazing work started in Rhino Camp!
“I started teaching the Sunday School in my church last year but… I did not know how to manage the children. I decided to leave teaching the children because it was difficult to handle them. Now with the practical skills and methods that I learnt during this Super Seminar Training, I can now go back and begin teaching the Sunday school classes in my local church”. Ajoyne Patricia, Galilee Church, Rhino Refugee Settlement.