Adult Emotional Health

Health Training in Kerwa
"The two days of training in health education were very successful on 3rd and 4th August 2022. The new midwife, Asaba Nsiimenta and I were part of the training. Edward Mika is empowering Asaba to work with the community.The mothers were very happy for CRESSUK for supporting them with such great, real-life lessons that help them to put their families together and keep their health good.With love,Scopas"
Scopas helps collect feedback from the women who attend the training so we can assess how helpful and relevant the training is.
Some comments:

Asaba Presenting in Mijale-Group
Meet two attendees
Chandiru is 34 and has lost one child to malaria. After attending the training she says she will:
"Tell the neighbours what I have learnt about clearing stagnant water, clearing the bushes around home and get a treated mosquito net."

Aede is 38 and when asked 'What would you say to others who are considering attending this training in future?' she said
"That the training was good, there is so much learning for the family about health in our homes"
Hygiene was the most important part of the training for her she learn about the importance of
"Digging latrine, rubbish pit, washing clothes, brushing teeth, boiling water, using disinfectant in our latrine, tell children to wash hands after visiting latrine."

What made this CRESS training different to others?
"Members given room to share their experience, it was so friendly, the freedom for expression is not given in other trainings"
"The teachings were done clearly, with local language without hiding any concept or part"
"Other trainings were not on health, this one focused on health in the family - In this training, mosquito nets and lunch was provided unlike in others"