February Trip to Uganda

February Trip – Wednesday & Thursday
After a simple breakfast at Namirembe Guest House – Joseph and I set off with Chris ( son of Patrick ) in the people carrier to see Julia West – wife of the British Ambassador Peter West. We had a lovely meeting on their verandah enjoying the shade and tropical garden – we talked for an hour on topics such as causes of the war in south Sudan, life conditions for the Refugees, CRESS vision and projects. Julia was most knowledgeable about the life cycle of the mosquito and the correct use of the nets. Previously she and her husband were in Sierra Leone.
We then got onto the purpose of the meeting which was to discuss the Wonderbag and its advantages – this bag has been created in South Africa. It has many advantages as the food can keep boiling saving women on fuel, and the danger of collecting wood outside the camps. Here they are vulnerable to attack. It also saves the women from the toxic fumes of the charcoal or wood fires and allows the women to get on with other essential tasks as the food cooks.
CRESS would like to trial some of these with some key women, who, if they find the success other groups have found can then encourage their peers to use them – the agriculture groups would be a good place to start.
Following this meeting Joseph and I tried to go and see someone at DFID (Department for International Development) but were prevented by the intense security – however we were given a contact name and phone number so we will try that as our emails had not been answered.
Our last visit was to meet Patrick Sambaga the Country Director of Send a Cow. We had a very useful lunch time meeting learning more about how the groups with Send a Cow move to self-sufficiency. I made copious notes and we made plans for some CRESS staff and leading farmers to visit some of the projects in Northern Uganda.
Last stop – we collected the rest of the CRESS team and all travelled back to Entebbe.
We are now about to enjoy a well earned supper at Airport Guest house.