African Themed Fundraising Evening on 23 April
New clinic staff for 2022
We are delighted to have received the reports and photos from the Education conference which took place over two days in December.
CRESS sponsored students gathered together for their conference in Arua, from their homes all over Northern Uganda. They were able to connect together again after over two years and before returning to school in January. It was a time to learn about their different experiences together as the family of CRESS students. It was a time to learn about their different experiences together as the family of CRESS students.
The students were empowered and inspired by the life stories and experiences of the conference facilitators. The thinking and life focus of the students was strengthened and they went home with a new perception of what life could hold.
Conference Aims
- To help the Students establish their faith in Jesus. Christ the bedrock of their life,
- To enable the students, know who they are and thrive in this current situation as refugees.
- To teach the students keys to healthy living
- To teach and encourage Integrity and leadership skills for the graduates, under graduates and diploma students
- To explain the role and importance of vocational skills.
- To enable the students to see the African potential and opportunities, and not to depend on western support
- To teach University and college students to the opportunities of a working life developing creativity and innovation in a country with very high youth unemployment
Meet Two of our Students
Esther Aya has just started in her third class in primary school called P.3 she says:
“During the lockdown, my parents hired for me a teacher to coach me and help me learn how to read and write. I was in P.1 before, I passed most of my homework and the test, this enabled me to be promoted straight to P.3 instead of P.2. I thank CRESS for supporting this program and my education. Thank you so much. I love you and pray for you.”
Kenyi Gideon, is now a P.5 pupil.
I thank CRESS for supporting me throughout during the lockdown through the home learning. My father got for me good teachers to teach me at home. I learned so much and passed the tests very well. I was studying in Koboko but now because of the great improvement in my tests, I secured a position in one of the good schools in Arua. I thank God and CRESS for that. Am going to continue to work very hard. May God bless you.
Kenyi Gideon
“On behalf of the Cress Students, I want to register our sincere appreciation and thanks to CRESS UK and DOL for funding and supporting this Conference. You never know, and never will know how much this Student Conference mean to us. It’s a golden opportunity for us to learn, un-learn and re-learn. In this current time, the illiterates are not those who do not know how to read and write, they are those who do not know how to learn, un-learn and re-learn. We have learned so much, our mind sets have been turned from being narrow-skilled and offside mind sets to multi-skilled and right mindsets. That is really what matter most to me in the conference. With all my heart I want to say thank you so much and the students recommend this conference to be done Annually because of its values.”
Murye Scopas Edward