Harvest time…

Vitamin Delivery Continues

CRESS Christmas Cards 2021
CRESS Christmas Cards are now available to purchase and send to your loved ones.
As well as the lovely designs the card also shares information about CRESS and shares the hope that your support and donations have spread among the South Sudanese refugees.
Our CRESS Christmas Cards come in packs of 10 cards with envelopes and costs £5.
Hand delivery available in the Chalke Valley or postage is £1.50 for one pack, £3.20 for 2+ packs.
To purchase, please email: caroline.lamb@cressuk.org
Pay via BACS to CRESS
Account: 71407090
Sort Code: 40-12-18
Reference: CARDS-[YOUR-NAME].Or post a cheque to CRESS at Knighton Manor, Broad Chalke, Salisbury, SP5 5EB
Account: 71407090
Sort Code: 40-12-18
Reference: CARDS-[YOUR-NAME].Or post a cheque to CRESS at Knighton Manor, Broad Chalke, Salisbury, SP5 5EB

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