Huge thanks for drugs received at the clinic
RUMPS Training under way in 2020
On 2nd February Ms. Amuka Kalisum and her lovely husband residents of Kendra village (approximately 8km away from the clinic – just near Goboro) narrated us this story on their arrival at the clinic:
“Aribaku Gadafi (2 1/2yrs old) is the only male child Allah (God) has blessed us with out of all the children we have in our marriage. Gadafi started complaining of severe persistent pain in the head associated with stomach pain and a day later, we noted on and off hotness of the body, loss of appetite and general body weakness. We took him to Goboro Health Centre II and he was diagnosed with malaria using malaria testing strip (MRDT) as the facility lacks a microscope. Oral drugs for malaria were prescribed for him including deworming tablets but we noticed no improvement in his condition after finishing the prescribed doses. We resorted to giving him some oral local herb remedies for 6 days which did not yield any success but instead the child’s condition started to deteriorate. We did not know what to do really – luckily, a friend who once visited the Cress UK funded clinic informed us about the existence of this clinic and we started our journey on bicycle at around 3:31am EST. It was our first visit.”
On arrival in the clinic at around 05:41am, Gadafi started generalised convulsion that made the clinic guard to call on the staff who responded very fast and took a brief history, administered diazepam, and then removed blood sample for malaria test with a microscope, sugar level and haemoglobin estimation, he was diagnosed with complicated malaria, acute gastroenteritis, amoebiasis, moderate anaemia and moderate dehydration.
“It was our first time to see a microscope working at night hours – he was admitted in the clinic and administered appropriate medications. 3 days later, Gadafi was able to recover fully – we were so lucky to find the clinic pharmacy well stock with drugs unlike others”.
Thank you for reading and May God bless all those who support our monthly medicine funds!