News of Fred Taban

Refugees reach record levels in Rhino Camp
We are very excited to announce that Selina Edward Yari from Yei has taken up the role of Clinical Officer (Doctor) at the Liwolo Clinic. Selina was already giving her time on a voluntary basis but thanks to the amazing Quiz Night at The Dynamo restaurant in Putney earlier in November (organised by Simon Lamb) her salary is now covered for one year.
A Clinical Officer has been much needed at the Clinic since its doors opened back in September 2015, a vital role that will mean more lives can be saved within the community.
Clinic Update
The clinic continues to see a high rate of severe malaria, anaemia and pneumonia in children under 5 years – hard for us to imagine. At the moment females are also seeking help for peptic ulcer disease, while adult males present with Typhoid Fever. There is a need for anti malarial drugs and antibiotics in the clinic always.
We have also supplied the clinic with items that seem so simple as we write but invaluable including a stretcher – would you believe they didn’t have one! A new printer, water filter, medicine cardboard and various waste bins including one for ‘sharps’ and making a difference to the staff on a daily basis. With great excitement, we have also been able to supply Selina with a motorbike which makes visits out of the clinic not easier BUT possible!
The team at the clinic continue to work extremely hard to serve their community and spirits are high.