Coronavirus in Africa – Dear supporters
Bicycles for Pastors
Cases of coronavirus have begun to show themselves in Uganda. This will, of course, impact on the CRESS funded clinic in Mijale as the virus spreads.
We are really pleased to announce that thanks to a grant from a Trust Fund the clinic have just installed a sterilisation unit which runs on power from a generator. This has already enabled the clinicians to sterilise their equipment thus reducing the risk of infection passing between patients and in response to the COVIS-19 coronavirus, CRESS sent a grant to the clinic to purchase a first batch of protective equipment including aprons and goggles.
Edward Mika has written to us:
Thank you so much for your love for our people as you struggle with your team to fund the primary health care.
We are working so hard that we can carry out the implementation of the primary health care activities very well so that we can meet our vision.
I have been from Mijale yesterday.
I have been strengthening the staff on Hygiene and protection, more especially on the COVID -19. We are thankful for your immediate response for sending the budget of the protection wear and others.
The generator is able to raise the sterilizer and now we are able to sterilize our equipment.
We also need to do a partition of the area for the Scanner within the Lab room, and the work of the Scanner will start too…
We received this response from the new junior clinician Jojo Seme.
My sincere appreciation goes to you and CRESS team for funding the protective wear proposal for the clinic staffs. Thank you very much for ensuring our safety at the ground and we pray for your safety and the world in this challenging situation.
We will be launching our Coronavirus Appeal this week to fund more protective equipment, posters and advertising to promote safety and social distancing, cleaning supplies and food.
Times will be difficult for us in UK, but if you can, please support our appeal your money will help save lives in Uganda