Meet Bishop Joseph

Fruit Tree Survey Results
Our Clinic
The CRESS-funded clinic is located in Mijale, Kerwa Subcounty, Yumbe district (Northern Uganda).
This rural village is more like a trading post, and our clinic there serves the South Sudanese refugees who live in the bush area as well as poor local Ugandans.
Donated Microscope
Salisbury District Hospital donated a second-hand microscope to the clinic. It was carried to Africa by Caroline Lamb and given to Bishop Joseph Aba in Nairobi, he then carried it back to Arua and the team took it on to the clinic.
This microscope qualifies the clinic to become a Level 2 Primary Health Clinic under Ugandan Regulations
The electronic microscope, with backlight, enables Atama Gerald, our Lab Technician, to accurately diagnose conditions, for example, types of malaria. This microscope is more advanced allowing diagnosis of new conditions including sickle cell disease, sleeping sickness, tuberculosis
and guinea worm. This means effective treatment can be given in this rural location.
Local students visit
"The clinic is the ONLY clinic in the whole of Kerwa Subcounty with a microscope, and even better this is an electronic one! It is a rare find in Northern Uganda."
Lulu our Clinic Nurse is now training as a Medical Clinical Officer in Gulu, he says:
"I remembered when I was there, students (S.4) of Kerwa secondary school (they walked about 30 minutes from their school) were brought by their Biology teacher to the clinic just to see what an electronic microscope looks like!"
"The students were SO pleased and lucky to have got an experienced laboratory technician, Atama Gerald, who lectured them on the different parts and functions of the microscope. That left them longing for more and others developed interest in joining the laboratory medical school in the future!!"

Clinic Microscope donated by Salisbury Hospital