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I have received an amazing note from my nephew Christopher Lamb, a Journalist for the Tablet a daily online magazine of news, ideas, and culture, who has been travelling with Pope Francis. He got in touch to share the news that Pope Francis met the President of South Sudan!
Dear Caroline,
I have just come back from Pope Francis’ visit to Kenya, Uganda and Central African Republic. It was a fascinating few days, particularly in CAR, which is basically a war zone. It was the first time a Pope has entered a war zone and the interim president says she hopes that it will start a peace process in the country. Bangui is basically dirt tracks, shacks and UN soldiers. There is one hotel that works built by Colonel Gadaffi.
Anyway, you might be interested to know that the Pope met with the President of South Sudan, Salvator Kiir while he was in Uganda. Interestingly the journalists covering the visit were in Entebbe airport when Kiir came through to fly home. It was an extraordinary sight – he had an entourage of about 30-40 people and was given a military salute by Ugandan army. He chartered a Kenyan airways plane.
Christopher Lamb
How amazing is this story, not only that the Pope Francis entered a war torn area but that he met with Salvator Kiir.
Caroline Lamb, Founder & CEO