Great news, Joseph is much better

Fred’s wife has had her cataract operation
I am now at New Wine but fortunately there is internet so I have been able to work with Joseph sending emails to and fro – he is busy getting quotations for many items including solar systems – bibles (through Becky Sedgwick and friends there is £300 to spend on these). We are also purchasing mosquito nets, uniforms for clinic staff, then he sent through some quotations for sheets and blankets, which were rridiculously expensive at £30 a blanket and £10 a sheet so we might take these out ourselves! We also want them to find the size of the windows so that we could make some curtains to hang!
Joseph is very busy as his intensive English course is all day with three assignments each night – all funded by Tom Clarke and his amazing bike ride!
Today Becky Sedgwick came to New Wine for the day – this made 5 of us from the September team on site – so we had a meeting over lunch – where I briefed them again on the programme and other matters.
Becky and I then did a good swop – she gave me lots and lots of maths textbooks and the Devizes sponsor parcels to take out – – it is easiest if all the goods come to Knighton Manor – then we pack making sure each of our suitcases has a full 23kg. It is quite an undertaking – but this year Di Jeans and Sophie Blick are going to take this on guided by myself. It is fortunate I live in such a good sized house!
PS this is Becky in South Sudan last year flying the plane!