Savings Group Report and Savings Materials delivered to Mijale
Open Garden Evening
CRESS supports 9 counsellors from within the South Sudanese refugee communities, who are trained with the Children’s Accelerated Trauma Therapy (CATT)
protocol. These skills are now being embedded within their communities to provide therapy to their children and young people, for whom there is no mental health provision in Uganda.
Refugee children living in rural northern Uganda have many causes of trauma in their lives. In the last CATT report, child neglect, lack of basic needs, rape and defilement, school dropout and suicide attempts were the most common cases seen. Each young person is assessed on the CRIES–8 scale before embarking on therapy sessions to help detraumatise them.
One recent recipient of the therapy was abducted by gunmen as she was returning from collecting firewood in the bush. She was abused for four days before being handed over to Uganda People’s Defence Force Soldiers who took her to seek medical assistance at Kerwa Health Centre III and there she was recommended for therapy.
She said “I would like to thank the CATT Counsellor Mr Aziku for helping me to come out from the painful memories may God bless you.”
If you would like to help support our CATT counsellors, please get in touch, donate or join our fundraisers to raise money for the CATT project.