Diploma Graduation
Health & Hygiene Training
We are so pleased to hear from the Agriculture Team in Arua that tools and seeds have been delivered for the new growing season.
“We have distributed agriculture inputs (veg seeds and tools) to the 10 new groups and Pastors in Mijale and Imvepi. The vegetable seeds are in sachets of 10g each and include Onions, Tomatoes, Carrots, Kale, Spinach and Green pepper.
Tools distributed are; Water drums of 135L each per group, 1 watering can per group, 1 knapsack sprayer 16L per group, 1 ball string rope per group and 1 panga per group.”
Groups have also had training from the team. Training included how to make liquid manure from animal waste and the benefits of, and how to create, a keyhole kitchen garden.
Many thanks to the team for their continued excellent work enabling refugees to feed their families more healthy food.