CRESS African Themed Dinner

ACTI CATT Conference Day 2
Lulu Emmanuel, Rev. Gale Scopas and Kiden Beatrice were invited as leaders of our CATT (Children’s Accelerated Trauma Therapy) team in Uganda to attend the ACTI Conference at Butabika National Referral Hospital in Uganda. Here is Lulu’s report from the first day!

“Good evening from Red Chili Hotel, Butabika. I am delighted to tell you that day 1 of the CATT conference ended SO well with excellent facilitation from ACTI expertise! Rev. Gale Scopas, Kiden Beatrice and I arrived safely yesterday and we were WARMLY welcome by Stella Charman (Chair of trustees ACTI) and her husband Nick!!!
Today, during the CATT case presentation in the morning, I was given the first opportunity to start presenting my case which was SO MUCH appreciated by Jenny Cuffe, Victoria Burch, Stella Charman, Brenda Graham and also well-received with countless hand claps from the CATT trainers – they thank our team for being so organized and Kiden Beatrice was selected to lead a group of new CATT trainers (those who have not had much experience in practising CATT) and she did a great job too!
Victoria Butch (a Clinical Psychologist & ACTI trustee) REALLY admired the design of our DOL/CRESS CATT Polo t-shirt and she would like to take a photo of the back view so that they can see how it can be printed for all the CATT Counsellors in Uganda after the approval from their trustees!!!
At 5:30pm, I had a WONDERFUL interview/recording with Jenny Cuffe (a retired journalist for BBC) – and she later interviewed Kiden Beatrice and Rev. Gale Scopas regarding CATT and it’s impacts in the refugee resettlements which ended well.
At 7:00pm, a wonderful party and special meal was organised for all the participants – It was fantastic!!!
Day 2 of the conference next!!
Thank you so much for reading
With love,
Lulu “
Read more about out CATT work here
Day 2 of the conference here