The difference a football can make!
Jeremy & Maggie visit the NEW clinic!
Three conferences were running today (Thursday)! The Sunday school conference in Liwolo, the Clergy conference continues in the cathedral and Golda (the lovely smile above is Golda) and Adrian were running a women’s conference at the same time. Adrian and Caroline were very excited about the energy and enthusiasm of the women at their meeting and the direction their business plans may be taking them.
Fred started the clergy day with a Bible study – we joined the non Bari speaking group!, and Andrew and Rachel spoke afterwards on leadership in discipleship and running small groups for church communities. Jacob led a session on how to lead a Bible study and the question and answer session at the end of the day gave helpful feedback and showed how well the talks had been received, as well as highlighting some of the challenges the Pastors face at home.
The ‘girls’ visited the school again this evening and saw the boys playing with the football we gave them yesterday. They would love some more and asked for boots too!!
The weather has been a bit cooler today after welcome rains overnight, there is a discussion as to whether we may need sheets to cover us tonight. Team photo planned for tomorrow, a quiet day for the clergy and a visit to the local hospital compound for some of us. Also lots of strategy meetings taking place during the day!