Sunday has been a great day
The trip to Mijale was long
To ensure that MAF does not leave without us this morning we arrive at the airstrip just after dawn. A smooth one-hour flight North to Arua surrounded by hazy heat meaning the ground was not very visible.
We are met by dear Fred and his reception team who ably manage all our very heavy luggage. He is disappointed I have not bought him another fresh fig from our garden in Broadchalke! Then he shows us our very comfortable accommodation at the White Castle in Arua, before we speed on to the newly established CRESS office and meet Jonathan, Joel and Rose too.
A quick second breakfast, and photo opportunities whilst organising alternative transport for Fi to meet with the Mental Health Services at Arua Hospital and Bishop Joseph, Yango. Fred, Caroline and Becky head North East for an ostensibly ‘quick trip’ to Mijale to see the clinic and attend the presentation of the bicycles and water filters.
The connection that was only made last week through a colleague of Fi’s in England has huge potential for a working partnership with the existing Health Service, but also the opportunity of training for CATT (Children’s Accelerated Trauma Therapy) Counsellors in the IDP camps to work with children with psycho trauma and complex needs. So watch this space…
Caroline Lamb